These Enduring Myths Are Stopping You From Becoming A Million Dollar Amazon Seller
Amazon is on of the best online retail marketplaces for reaching consumers. If you sell your own brand of products, or a reseller, you can become a million dollar Amazon seller. There are many examples of zero to a million dollar Amazon sellers. It is also a great channel to develop exposure for your brand. There are a lot of misconceptions about the Amazon marketplace. Even after years of the most successful third-party sellers setting the record straight. Learn the truth about selling on Amazon.
Most Sales Go to Amazon
Many retailers and re-sellers use the excuse that Amazon uses the Buy Box to win the vast majority of sales. However, in 2015, over 40% of sales went to third-party sellers and not Amazon itself. That percentage is projected to continue growing. As Amazon sellers become better marketers, they will win the buy box more often.
The Marketplace is Already Full
With millions of third-party sellers, there is plenty of competition in most categories and niches on Amazon. But you don’t need to be the only seller offering a certain product, just the one offering the best customer service along with a good price. Despite the myth of only the lowest priced listing appearing in the Buy Box, Amazon’s algorithm actually considers a variety of factors. Sellers that offer fast shipping, limit their returns, and receive good reviews can succeed no matter how much competition is already crowding their niche.
Selling FBA is Always Best
The Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program automates the packing and shipping process because the products you sell are stored at company warehouses. While this is great for companies with no shipping department or individuals who can’t afford their own warehouse, it’s not the right choice for everyone. The fees and complications of the FBA program can slowly drain an otherwise healthy business, so compare your options carefully before signing up.
No matter what’s holding you back from becoming a million dollar Amazon seller, Hound Dog Digital is ready to help. Our optimization services help you win the Buy Box and build your sales reputation.
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